Inspired by science fiction, the sixth Monologfestival explores the power of imaginative speculation – through brand new theater pieces, performances and DJs. Fifty years after Lennon’s/Ono’s Imagine, we celebrate fiction as a political future machine, as a portal towards A Becoming.A Could.A Different. Energy!
Current utopias are startlingly fact-shaped. But humans have a superpower: If we want to, we can imagine any im_possible story. Imagine there’s no heaven or extraterrestrial gas beings, imagine scent-based communication, trans-dimensional tornado deities, imagine a global pandemic, imagine world peace, a fair distribution of all resources, photon torpedoes and Scottie, beam me up – you name it: “Imagine!” is harrowing and enticing. We’re looking forward to exhilarating nonsense and razor-sharp logic under different signs. To tales and images of a world that isn’t bound to what we think we know.